“To Teach Them a Lesson”

I’m coming to terms with my cyclist persecution complex, and I’ve realized that I may be playing a fear-mongering-type role by posting about psychotic drivers, and my secret plans to seek revenge.

But this one really tops all of the asshole-driver stories. I’ll give you the highlights.

Christopher Thomas Thompson's infinity

I’m glad that people are threatening him, but it’s too bad he has such a generic name, so that the other people named Dr. Christopher Thompson are being threatened. VIA

Some cyclists are riding two abreast, they yield to a single file to let a driver pass. The driver yells at them, cuts in front, and stops short. The driver is a doctor, and reported to a police officer that he stopped short to “teach them a lesson”.

The aftermath wasn’t pretty, but both of them survived. ron_peterson

This accident is in the news, because during the trial, the doctor is trying to deny that he tried to kill two people with his car. If anyone comes across a Dr. Chris Thompson, you should probably ask to see another doctor.

So, I apologize for my fear mongering, but Fucking Jesus, this just makes me so angry.

Via and VIA and via

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