Haute Fixed

Before I get started, I’d like to request my kind readers to fill out my short survey about cycling in Boston. I’ll post the results in a few weeks when I have a nice large n.


On the awesomer side, in my apartment Wednesday is New Yorker day, and take a guess what I find is Going about Town:

New Yorker 9/14/09 Bike Polo

If you are listening to your Mac read this aloud (yeah, it’s possible), you may have missed the photo, which is of some sweaty dudes playing bike polo. One is on an IRO and has an ironically painted disk wheel and another has goofy side burns, possibly a pony tail and a sleeveless shirt.

I like how the New Yorker is up on trends somewhere in between their informal brewing and full blown cultural ubiquitousness. But seriously, for a main stream magazine, with what I assume is a dearth of staffers under 30, I am impressed that they picked up on this. I read the magazine for a measured analysis of political events, their character pieces, and humor, but I’m always pleasantly surprised when they have a musical review of Bon Hiver, or the Dirty Projectors.

I assume that many people are going to take this as proof that cycling is dead, or something like that, but I’m pretty psyched to see these guys going at it. If anything is worthy of Going about Town, it is something like Bike Polo. It’d be pretty cool to see this become more organized, but then again I don’t play and have no interest in watching, so I say this is the most casual way possible.

I don’t understand why bikes have to be underground in order to be fun or cool, and that this extends to everything that we participate in. Haute Culture eventually trickles down (like Cars, or Cubism), the culture of the people eventually becomes appreciated by everyone (see, rap and lobster) and micro-cultures eventually go main stream (like W.O. Warcraft (see: D&D for original version)) or go nearly extinct (like beatnicks, or roller skating).

It’ll happen to everything, eventually the original audience dies, or some other audience takes their place.

It’s the cycle of culture.

In any case. Go team Bike Polo!


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