Bike Monsters

So i found this on Digg just now. It’s a comic that features “Bike Monsters”, which was clearly a theme fueled by the artist’s difficulties with the human form.


You can see more at the link below, which is owned by a blogger in Denver.

I like the third comment down, which reads:

Concerned says:

Wow…not even remotely funny. Now all the bicyclists in Denver are put in more danger than we were before…thanks for nothing and for dehumanizing cyclists so that hateful and mentally unhinged motorists will have less regard for human beings riding bicycles–we are NOT BUGS to be squashed. Beware, Mr. Kenny, the bad karma you have unleashed might well come back to bite you!”

I’m inclined to agree. Bikers suffer from a lot of bad PR, and it would be nice if someone recognized that we are typically the losers in the Car vs. Biker crash.

In any case, I’m not sure how applicable this is to Boston and I’m pretty sure that the author behind this comic is not a biker. One of these factors might have played a role in drawing the fixed gear rider with a loose computer bag, rather than a messenger bag.


It’s kind of weird how the Fixed gear rider goes from a human in panel one to an elf in panel two. If you’re curious why the Fixed gear rider looks like an elf, it’s because all of the bikers are “Monster Themed”. Fixie rhymes with Pixie – and presumably the artist thought that wings would look dumb. And so, Pixie minus wings = elf.

He’s also a giant in panel one, and normal sized in panel two.  Perhaps when Giants mutate into pixies, the result is a wingless pixie, which resembles a Keebler Elf.

I’m also kind of surprised that there were no student riders. Isn’t there some homologue to the BU student with a rusted Hybrid Huffy? I guess that might be the cannondale monster, who bikes on the sidewalk.

I’ve never really seen this guy, ever:

Who goes out in a jersey and army pants? I’ve honestly never seen it. Is this a Denver thing? Before you think this is Denver’s version of the “Full Kit”style racers, there is a separate category for those guys, which I believe most are familiar with. I guess the army pants guy is sort of the poor man’s Full Kit.

Personally, I’d like a more accurate taxonomy of bikers. Perhaps even one portraying them as humans.

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